Fernside School's Beautifully Completed Pool and Plant Room Refurbishment

Posted December 7, 2020

It is with great delight that we present the Fernside School's refurbished swimming pool and plant room. Completed, in time for Fernside School's annual GROW Garden Tour and School Gala.

State schools around the country, rely on tenacious swimming pool committees, boards, school management, and community support to keep their school pools going. The Fernside School swimming pool committee is the epitome of drive,  required to turn these large pool refurbishment projects from planning into fruition.

Fernside School pool was officially opened on election day in 1899.  That means,  121 years ago, a voluntary local labour force, hand shoveled with possible horse-drawn assistance the massive  22.8m x 9.1m x  2.7m - 914mm deep pool tank at a total cost of £90.  In 1913 the pool walls were rebricked because tree roots were growing through the walls and again in 1957 the pool tank received its last remodeling,  to a more child-friendly depth of 2.1m to 600mm.  Interestingly like today, it was the Fernside School's pool committee and the Fernside Swimming Club in 1955,  that drove these lasting and significant pool modifications for the community enjoyment.      

Congratulations Fernside School pool committee,  you have made your community and forebears proud of your community achievement.  Enjoy the "spa pool", as the students, now refer to their pool, due to the endless bubbly water created by; the new jets,  skimmers, and perfectly sized sand filters and water pump filtration system. Best of all, enjoy being able to spend the Grow Garden Tour and Gala monies on more important things than pool paint,  now you have an ELBE 10 year watertight pool tank lining, which also means the end of the pool tank repainting cycle.    

Contact us today to discuss your school, community, council, or residential pool refurbishment.

The Fernside Pool tank was finished in the stylish Arctic White, 1.5mm reinforced PVC, ELBE membrane, with new stainless steel railings and fittings and upcycled pool ladders to create the modern pool aesthetic. Visit our Gallery for more photos of the stunning pool refurbishment.  

